Word Of The Week/ AI fever 

Meta Platforms (META) late Wednesday posted first-quarter earnings results that topped expectations, with 27% year-over-year revenue growth. But Meta stock fell sharply as the company gave lower than expected revenue guidance and raised its expectations for spending, citing its artificial intelligence push.

Source – Meta Stock Slides Despite Q1 Earnings Beat | Investor’s Business Daily (investors.com)

One analyst referred to Meta as a victim of “AI fever.”

CEO Mark Zuckerberg upheld the company’s intention to “invest significantly more over the coming years” in order to further its AI goals. Meta shares fell more than 10.5% on the stock exchange on Wednesday to settle at 441.38. The decline drove Meta stock to its lowest point since late January.

Read more: https://www.home.saxo/content/articles/quarterly-outlook/the-ai-fever-pushes-market-to-new-extremes-06072023

Check the video: https://ai.invideo.io/watch/SmbSBiVPqsW


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Legal English/ Statute of Limitations

What Is a Statute of Limitations?

A statute of limitations is a law that defines the maximum amount of time in which parties involved in a dispute must initiate legal proceedings following an alleged offense. The duration of a statute of limitations varies depending on the nature of the offense and the location of the jurisdiction.

The law applies to both civil and criminal cases. More serious offenses, such as murder or war crimes, often have no statute of limitations. It’s also applied in civil law to matters like consumer debt, where the debt becomes time-barred debt after the statute of limitations has passed.

Read more:


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Topics For Our Courses

Lately, we have discussed many interesting topics in class. As our students keep us constantly thinking outside the box, which we love, here are some of them:

What is a content-aggregator website?

What is the Lipstick Effect?

What was the Subprime Mortgage Crisis?

What is the best branding strategy?

Would you like to join in?

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CFO Interview Questions

We number a few CFO among our students. Consequently we come up with some useful interview questions.

Here’s a breakdown of key question categories to help you prepare for your CFO interview:

Financial Expertise and Strategy

Financial analysis and strategy: Describe your process for developing a financial strategy aligned with the company’s overall business objectives. What factors do you take into account when developing a company’s financial strategy?: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/27-most-common-job-interview-questions-answers-jeff-haden

How do you leverage financial data to drive business decisions and measure results? Provide a specific example.
Discuss your approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating financial risks.

Read more: http://blog.seocopywriting.ro/2024/04/16/cfo-interview-questions/

Photo by BAE JUN: https://www.pexels.com/photo/jardin-du-luxembourg-in-paris-france-12877608/

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Word Of The Week/ Eclipse

Eclipse, in astronomy, is complete or partial obscuring of a celestial body by another. An eclipse occurs when three celestial objects become aligned.

From the perspective of a person on Earth, the Sun is eclipsed when the Moon comes between it and Earth, and the Moon is eclipsed when it moves into the shadow of Earth cast by the Sun. Eclipses of natural satellites (moons) or of spacecraft orbiting or flying past a planet occur as the bodies move into the planet’s shadow. The two component stars of an eclipsing binary star move around each other in such a way that their orbital plane passes through or very near Earth, and each star periodically eclipses the other as seen from Earth.

Eclipses in 2024, 2025, and 2026 | Dates, Solar, Lunar, & Location | Britannica

I witnessed a full solar eclipse in 1999, in Romania, on the beach.

It was breathtaking and thrilling. The hue of the water during the whole eclipse remained with me—light blue like turquoise, with pink sparkles, the same color as the sky. There was no discernible separation between the water and the sky. Like glancing into the Big Blue.

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What Is Economics?

“Economics is a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life.” – Alfred Marshall’s, “Principles of Economics”, a 19th-century textbook that helped create the common language economists still use today.

“Economics is a science with excellent tools for gaining answers but a serious shortage of interesting questions.” – Steven Levitt, an economist at the University of Chicago

Economics is a social science that focuses on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The study of economics is primarily concerned with analyzing the choices that individuals, businesses, governments, and nations make to allocate limited resources. Economics has ramifications on a wide range of other fields, including politics, psychology, business, and law. – Investopedia

Vă așteptăm la cursurile noastre de engleză financiară!

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Cursuri tematice de limba engleză pentru companii

De 20 de ani oferim cursuri de limba engleză pentru orice specialitate și servicii de content writing și copywriting:

  • Consultanță în limba engleză
  • Cursuri de business development 
  • Cursuri de engleză pentru CFOs și CEOs
  • Cursuri Debate in English 
  • Cursuri tematice de limba engleză
  • Cursuri pentru Inteligența Artificială
  • Articole pentru website și blog, SEO friendly
  • Creative Business Writing
  • Articole pentru rețelele de socializare
  • Newsletter
  • Case studies

Solicită oferta B2B de cursuri personalizate de limba engleză și copywriting!

We inspire a fresh START and a new perspective in business ENGLISH communication.
Call 0040722841053 (WhatsApp)

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Posted in Articole in engleza, CONSULTANȚĂ ÎN LIMBA ENGLEZĂ PENTRU COMPANII, Curs de copywriting in engleza, Curs de e-mail-uri in engleza, Curs de engleza de afaceri, Curs de engleza de specialitate, Curs de engleza financiara, curs de engleza juridica, Cursuri de engleza feroviara, Engleza de afaceri online, Engleza la interviu

WORD OF THE DAY/ Instrumental convergence

Have you heard of instrumental convergence? In short, if you give an AI a task to solve something and you don’t set any limits, it will use any resources and overcome any obstacles to achieve the goal. I leave you an exceptional article below.

Instrumental convergence is the hypothetical tendency for most sufficiently intelligent beings (human and non-human) to pursue similar sub-goals, even if their ultimate goals are quite different. More precisely, agents (beings with agency) may pursue instrumental goals—goals which are made in pursuit of some particular end, but are not the end goals themselves—without ceasing, provided that their ultimate (intrinsic) goals may never be fully satisfied.


La Centrul Start English poți participa la orice tip de curs de limba engleză îți dorești, pentru orice limbaj specializat, începând cu orice nivel! Alege cursurile de grup sau individuale, online sau la sediul dvs.
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Recently, we welcomed new students to our architectural, engineering, interior designing, and landscaping English courses.

Thank you for joining our courses!

Pediment = a triangular part at the top of the front of a building that supports the roof and is often decorated.

Image source: Britannica.

Stay tuned for more!

Feel free to join our courses!

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Am publicat newsletter-ul lunii ianuarie pe LinkedIn.

Vă puteți abona pentru mai multe informații despre:

Tips and tricks about English and SEO, writing tips, copywriting tips, the word of the month, the mistake of the month, one article per month on business, business development, economics, marketing, and a free 6-hour course for companies.

Exciting news! Our new courses in March will delve into AI technology and its use in growing our business activities. Get ready for an enlightening journey! Stay tuned!


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